I love campaigning and have been honored to be in this profession for the last 15 years.
I learn something new each and every campaign, but since day one, it’s clear the total lack of transparency when handling a campaign’s money. For too long, campaigns have relied on outdated excel sheets to track cash flow and surpluses, which is a significant problem. Without accurate financial information, we can’t make the right decision, often leading to candidates ending races in serious debt.
Campaign Forecast has been a vision of mine for a long time; I fully believe it will help Conservatives make better decisions and win more races.
I look forward to working together to create a Winning Budget.

When elections come down to the slimmest of margins, every detail matters. Whether it’s ending in debt or ending with more money in the bank than you wanted, unexpected budgetary outcomes can be to blame for a loss.
In my experiences helping manage budgets and cash flow for campaigns at all levels across the nation, we as a party are lacking in top notch budgeting solutions that provide clear, concise, real time information on fundraising goals, cash on hand, expense tracking, and surplus/deficits.
Enter Campaign Forecast.
We hope to be able to provide for you a tool to empower you to know where you’re at compared to your goals on the fundraising and spending side so that together, we can take the guesswork out of spending and focus on reaching more voters to win more elections.